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About Cardiac Surgery Associates
Cardiac Surgery Associates offers comprehensive medical care for you and your family. With over 30 physician and 20 locations CSA serves the four corners of the Midwest, with locations in Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin. CSA prides itself on using the most up to date medical technology to provide the best care possible to our patients. Our mission is to compassionately restore the fullness of health to patients and their families through surgical excellence, technology, and dedication.
Patient Stories
The experiences patients take from Cardiac Surgery Associates stay with them for a lifetime. Watch the stories from our patients and families.
Cardiac Surgery News
Dr. Michael Tuchek performed the first Endurant II S endovascular stent graft implant in the United States
Dr. Gerdish and Dr. Barksdale were recognized as two of Indiana's top doctors in Thoracic and Cardiac Surgery